“The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said: “Marriage is the will of two to create the unique. Such an event is an ode to love, leaving an unforgettable memory for the bride and groom and their guests.
More than a service, wedding planning is a page in your life, during which every moment must be savored.
6 to 12 sessions of individual exchanges combined with inter-session exercises.
Together, we create your vision of your project and well-being at work, we cultivate your emotional intelligence to approach it with serenity and confidence, we eliminate your obstacles, and put in place short, medium and long-term strategies to achieve it.
Week after week, I listen to you, challenge you and accompany you to reach your objectives and well-being at work thanks to a method and recognized tools.
Skills assessment & Professional retraining : Reinvent yourself professionally!
Coaching Mentoring entrepreneurs and managers : Start or expand your business!