Animals and pets

My name is Michael Fernandes, founder and trainer of Perro Sano. I have spent my whole life surrounded by dogs of all breeds. Fascinated by their behavior and always observing their way of life to better understand them, they have been my best sources of inspiration in my daily life. They have always been present in the happiest moments and in the most complicated situations of my life. The biggest lessons I learn every day with them is that they know how to live in the moment and not judge.

Originally from Switzerland, I dedicated myself to training in the field of social work, first with children and adolescents, then with people with disabilities and the elderly. For me, animals are an important part of my life and that is why I have decided to train in the care of animals for their rehabilitation through therapy. In other words, zootherapy: “the use of animals as a therapeutic tool for people with cognitive, psychological, mental, social or physical disorders”.


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